Chronic Venous Insufficiency

When Danger Signs Start To Develop

What is Chronic Venous Insufficiency?

Chronic venous insufficiency is the term used to describe cases with untreated varicose veins having long standing venous insufficiency due to venous valves reflux. Vein reflux is a medical condition affecting the circulation of blood in the legs where unidirectional valves inside the veins become incompetent and causes pooling of blood in the legs.

This condition causes swelling in the lower legs and ankles, especially after long periods of standing and tired and sore legs.

In addition, Skin discoloration (dark pigmentation), Itchy skin with eczema (scaly-skin), Skin sore or ulcer (a break in the skin that will not heal) can occur if venous insufficiency is left untreated.

Walking is the best exercise

What Are the Risk Factors of Chronic Insufficiency ?

The factors that may cause a higher risk of developing Chronic Venous Insufficiency, includes:
  • Family history of venous insufficiency
  • Aging
  • Pregnancy
  • Higher incidence in women
  • Standing or sitting for long periods
  • lack of physical activity
Walking is the best exercise

Get Your Venous Insufficiency Treated

We know you have some questions and concerns, We Have The Answers

Venous insufficiency may cause aching pain, throbbing, and discomfort in the legs. In some cases, if left untreated it can lead to more serious health problems. These include:

  • Sores or skin ulcers. Due to chronic (long-term) backing up of blood, these sores or ulcers are painful and hard to heal. Sometimes they cannot heal until the backward blood flow in the vein is repaired.
  • Bleeding. The skin over the veins becomes thin and easily injured. When an injury occurs, there can be significant blood loss.
  • Phlebitis. A blood clot that forms in a vein just below the skin. Symptoms include skin redness; a firm, tender, warm vein; and sometimes pain and swelling.
  • Deep vein thrombosis. A blood clot that forms in a deeper vein. It can cause a “pulling” feeling in the calf, pain, warmth, redness, and swelling. However, sometimes it causes no significant symptoms. If the blood clot travels to the lungs, it can be fatal.

This can make symptoms worse and open wounds on the lower leg and ankle that are painful and difficult to treat.

A patient with symptoms may or may not have visible varicose veins in their legs. An ultrasound examination of the major veins inside the leg is essential to assess for vein reflux disease or detect varicose veins present beneath the skin. This is the most common cause or source for varicose veins as well as the associated symptoms. Any treatment of varicose veins and its associated symptoms must begin with addressing the source. Getting an ultrasound is non-invasive and painless.

It is important before considering the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency is to evaluate your condition, and this calls for going to a vein clinic where a vein expert will see you.

At iVein Clinic, we are specialized only in vein disease treatment, you will get an accurate examination from one of our vein experts and perform all diagnostic tests inside the clinic, so there is no need to go anywhere for any tests, we have everything needed for treatment under one roof.

After the examinations are completed, the vein expert will tell you the result of assessing your condition and will recommend the best treatment option based on the result of the diagnosis.

There are a lot of people asking this question, if the insurance company will cover the treatment of venous insufficiency or not.

This depends on multiple factors like:

  • Whether the insurance company supports the treatment of varicose veins and vein diseases or not.
  • Whether or not your plan covers this type of treatment.

If the insurance company supports the treatment of venous insufficiency, this often means that they will agree to cover the cost of the treatment, but only if there is a medical necessity and not for cosmetic purposes.

At iVein Clinic, we have many insurance contracts that cover vein disease treatment services. To find out about the insurance companies contracting with us, please visit the insurance coverage page to make sure of your insurance company.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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