Why Do People Seek Treatment For Varicose Veins? Top 5 Reasons
Varicose veins are the disfiguring enlarged veins that most commonly appear on your legs and feet. They can cause pain, fatigue, and ugly swelling that can interfere with your daily function, and willingness to bare your legs in shorts, skirts, or bathing suits.
Varicose veins usually result when the valves in your veins are not working correctly. When the vein valves, that should only permit blood to flow from your legs up to your heart does not function properly. This allows blood to pool in your legs and the pressure builds up, dilating your veins and creating the bad appearance and troublesome symptoms that can be intrusive to your quality of life.
Why do people come to ask for our help for treating their leg veins?
Patients often seek treatment at different stages of the disease and for variable reasons including:
- To Improve Discomfort
- To Reduce Swelling & Better Activity
- To Sleep Better
- To Avoid Complications
- To Regain Confidence
- Improve Discomfort
Varicose veins can cause burning, itching, tiredness, and heaviness in your legs. Sometimes, your legs just ache from the faulty veins. Varicose vein treatment dramatically reduces or eliminates these symptoms. It can eliminate the constant, nagging discomfort to improve your overall quality of life and sense of wellbeing.
2.Reduce Swelling & Better Activity
Varicose veins can cause your legs to fatigue and swell, making even moderate physical activity uncomfortable. Walking around the mall, sightseeing, and hiking become unpleasant. You may need to take frequent breaks and elevate your legs to relieve discomfort. Getting your veins treated means you can resume a more active lifestyle. You’ll experience reduced swelling and leg fatigue, even after spending extended time on your feet.
3. Sleep Better
Varicose veins can be so uncomfortable that they prevent you from sleeping soundly. You awake intermittently to shift position to relieve the aching cramps and throbbing in your legs. With vein treatment, the pain that interrupts your sleep pattern resolves and you can once again enjoy a satisfying night’s sleep.
4. Prevent Complications
Longstanding high pressure in your veins can cause skin discoloration, itching, and skin inflammation called dermatitis. You may not be able to resist scratching the area, resulting in redness and even bleeding sores. Varicose veins can also lead to the development of blood clots close to the surface of the skin, causing pain. By treating your veins you can head off these complications.
5. Regain Your Confidence
The swelling, discoloration, and bulge of varicose veins are enough to keep you cloaked in long pants regardless of the season. When summer comes around, the twisted veins in your legs can leave you feeling embarrassed about putting on a swimsuit or even shorts. You may even be unwilling to wear shorts when you exercise, while having the problem of restricting your range of motion and overheating your system resulting in more pain if you wear long pants.
Treating your veins has aesthetic benefits, and so much more. You’ll look great in whatever you want to wear. While lifestyle modifications and compression stockings can help alleviate some of the discomforts that occur due to varicose veins, only modern therapies offer a more permanent solution. Call iVein Clinic for a consultation and to find out what treatments are right for you.
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